First, let me thank you for sending me your book to read. I read it twice and loved it even more the second time around.
In Afrikaans (my mother tongue) “Magiese Realisme” is an element or genre in literature. I’m not sure how to translate it into English: magical realism? I guess Surrealism could also define it to a large extent. And that is how I experienced your story – a dream set in reality or reality set in a dreamworld.
I was struck by your magnificent use of imagery and metaphors - so creative, beautiful and unforgettable.
The story and characters resonated with me and I must confess, on occasion, touched me deeply. As a single mother with 3 sons I decided to pack up everything I had, sell my house and move from Johannesburg (where I was born and lived for 44 years) to Cape Town (Stellenbosch) which for me, was “the edge of the world”. I decided this on a whim a few months after my mother died in my arms from lung cancer. At the time I had a large art studio where I worked and also taught art. So, you see, Martin …
David Schofield’s paintings at the start of each chapter are sublime. They encapsulate the passages that follows them brilliantly.
I love how the ship, the red car, polka dots and the colours red and blue are a recuring motive throughout the story. There are more, but those are the ones that stood out for me.
I found the story to be a journey through sorrow and loss into self-realisation and at last happiness at the very point one cannot travel further west – Unalaska.
Chapter 10 is so beautifully written and it pulls one back into a new “reality”, that of historical fiction. It sharply turns away from the previous storyline, although the painting follows through. I wish I understood more, but then again I must wonder if understanding every nuance is at all important in experiencing this story on a subjective level. Chapter 10 feels like a brand new start flowing into Chapters 11 and 12.
While I was reading your book, I kept thinking about the soulful music you shared with me re Chapter 9. Will there be a CD with 12 songs accompanying your book?
Congratulations on a beautifully written book, on the art that perfectly captures and stimulates the imagination of the reader. I would love to own a hard copy of your book.
- Tessa, Cape Town, South Africa